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Hey there! My name is Chun Hang👋 

I'm a football nerd with a knack for data analytics. Over the past 3 years, I've immersed myself in coding, writing, and presenting about football analytics. My journey has even led me to co-host my own football analytics show on TV.

As a Data Analytics Graduate, I've honed my technical skills in Python, through various projects and models. What excites me most is not just the data itself, but the art of effectively communicating it to a diverse audience through simple yet informative graphics. My experience in football media has trained me to view the game from multiple perspectives, focusing on key details to ask the right questions, and of course, to tell a damn good story.


Despite the exciting journey so far, my eyes are set on a professional career in football analytics. Consider this website as a portfolio where I answer key questions to give you insights into Who I am, What I do, and How to get in touch with me.




My expertise lies in transforming football data into easily digestible information, presented through compelling graphics and visuals. I also regularly share my methodologies and theories behind my analysis on my blog. If interested, I could write for your agency.

Below is a glimpse of the diverse range of skills and capabilities I bring to the table.

(Click on each section for more details).

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